CAS Resources for Staff Assessing Programs/Services.
In a 2016 market research study, 51% of senior-level higher education administrators and 46% of entry-level administrators said their top reason for using CAS resources was to improve an existing program or service. Program review is designed to help you do exactly that - benchmark your existing programs and services against national standards. In the process, you'll develop a better understanding of your area's strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to improve! CAS OVERVIEW If you are introducing CAS to a departmental colleagues or a program review team, we recommend you begin with the following resources: The CAS General Standards CAS mission, vision, and purpose CAS member associations List of CAS Standards Our basics on CAS
CAS PROGRAM REVIEW OR SELF-ASSESSMENT A primary way educators use CAS Standards is to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of their programs and services. One of the most common questions we hear from prospective CAS users is "How do I lead a program review process?"
1. CAS recommends you plan to follow these seven steps to shepherd a program review from start to finish:
2. You will want to become familiar with the tool that walks you through a review, the CAS Self-Assessment Guide (SAG).
3. As you prepare your team for program review, providing an introduction to the CAS self-study process is critical.